Reality shows with Sims competing against eachother to win money while every move of theirs is broadcasted have had the notorious tendency to attract a few slightly.. eccentric characters, eheh. The theme of this month's countdown is to gather the biggest loons of all loons so that we can... enjoy their crazy antics again.
Starting up from 10 to 1, the 10th most quirky Sim in Sims Reality Shows is...
10) Whitney Alicia Jones
(The Mole: Season 5)
Jake about Whitney's Nomination:This may not count since "Whitney" was actually somebody in disguise (and if it doesn't then you can tell me that and I can change my nomination) but "Whitney" is definitely a cloudcuckoolander due to her being a dumb blonde who "believes" that a hamster was turned into a human.
Whitney: "Wow, you know what? I like, never realeyezed how like hairy you were before until now!"
Tony: "Hehe, my mama didn't call me little 'bambino peloso' for no reason! She says I came into the world with a thick head of hair, although I don't have the baby pictures to prove it...."
Whitney: "Hmmm.... yeah, that makes TOTAL sense. I'd imagine if you were, you know.... It would like, totally be hard to take pictures and stuff."
Tony: "If I were what?"
Whitney: "Oh, you know...."
Tony: "Oh, a baby you mean?"
Whitney: "Yass! A baby! Like, what baby could like, take pictures? Pft! Am I like, right or what? Haha- ha...... ha."
Tony: "What a funny image!"
Whitney: "So you really like nature, huh?"
Tony: "It's the only time I truly feel free."
Whitney: "Oh, that makes sense.... And that just makes me feel even MOAR guilty for like, locking you up in a cage all your life... -- I MEAN- No, I didn't mean that, I like meant that-"
Tony: "SHUSH."
Whitney: "Huh?"
Whitney: "Why are we stopping?"
Tony: "Just be quiet... We're being followed."
Whitney: "Followed?! By whom!? Oh god, oh god oh god, PLEASE don't let it be a cougar or a panda bear.... I HATE panda bears."
Tony: "....Why? And how? And more importantly, what??"
Whitney: "Weeeeelllll..... It's like..... totally a long story, but like.... Let's just say.... I once owned like a miniture panda once, and we totally did not like become BFFs. Long story short, I wanted a furry little cutesie little cuddly bear friend, so I settled for a hamster. I know, how cute, right? He was a handsome brunette youngin'. He was a rare variety, so I had to like order him from some Italian country. Anyway, I named him Toeknee Handson because we like totally played 'Hands, Knees, and Toes' a ton! Like, a ton a ton. I often let him roam the house, but never outside because outside is like a total no-no for my wittle hamster-manster! Needless to say... One day, Toeknee did not return to his cage. I like, searched forever and ever.... This was 2 weeks ago. But Toeknee never showed up. His dream was to venture outside, I totally know this because he would stare out the window! All he wanted was to grow some real legs and explore the world. The funny thing, the night before he like, went missing.... I saw a shooting star! And I.... I wished.... that my little 4-feeted friend would like become a human, so that we could explore the world together forever!! .... And then he disappears the next day."
Whitney: "One week later, I fly here and I meet you, Tony. My dear, much missed.... Toeknee......"
Tony: "....Fascinating. Truly fascinating story...."
Tony: "Oh, hey! Looks like we don't have to worry about being killed by a panda. It's just Linda."
*Linda comes to an abrupt stop*
Linda: "What? How.... How did you see me? Can you see me right now?!"
Tony: "Uhm.... Is this a trick question?"
Linda: "Darn it! The potion didn't work.... Never mind me. Sorry for scaring you guys. I just wanted to, uh... help you collect some herbs and stuff! I could use some more herbs to add to my potions collection. If you don't mind my company, of course."
Linda: "....Tony? Can I join you? ....Tony? Earth to Tony!!"
Whitney: "See!? This is like EXACTLY the face my hamster Toeknee makes! The resambulance is just.... Incre- dah.... Incredi-ah..... gahh......incred-"
Tony: "Incredible?"
Whitney: "YES!! Ding ding ding! See, my little Toeknee is like totally great at solving puzzles too! Just like you!"
Tony: "I'm flattered."
9) Skye Chamberlain
(Abnormality: Season 4)
Jake about Skye's Nomination: "Skye has an unusual interest in serial killers to the point it makes her a bit quirky."
Skye: And that is what happens if you become a 'lady of the night'.
Natasha: They still shouldn't have been killed though.
Skye: Oh, well... yeah I guess so.
Natasha: You guess so?
Skye: Well, it is tragic... but Jack the Ripper was smart. He got rid of the people who didn't really mean anything to anyone.
Natasha: I can see how that could have happened. Prostitutes were the lowest of the low.
Skye: Exactly! If anything people saw him as doing the town a favour.
Natasha: In a way. He still shouldn't have killed them though.
Skye: I agree, but then he wouldn't be number one in my serial killer list.
Natasha: Um, what?
Skye: Oh, I must have forgot to tell you. I have a scrapbook of my favourite serial killers.
Natasha: As the days go by in this house, I'm starting to realize that Skye is very... um obsessed with this whole serial killer phase... I hope it's just temporarily because I'll be scared if it isn't.
Natasha: Can I ask you a personal question?
Skye: Sure.
Natasha: You're... not a serial killer, are you?
Skye: Me? No, don't be silly. I'd never kill anyone.
Natasha: Phew, that's good to know.
Skye: Or would I? I could kill you right now!
Natasha: OH MY GOD!
Skye: I'M KIDDING, HAHA. I'm kidding gurl, I'd never kill anyone. I get sad when I say the tiniest insult ever...
*Lucielle wakes from her nap.*
Lucielle: Can you two keep quiet! I don't want to hear you both talking while I'm trying to sleep.
Skye: Um, sure Lucielle. Ugh...
Skye: I think I'm scaring people off with my stories about serial killer obsession. I can't help it, it's just so fascinating, Natasha believes I'm a psychopath now though... All I'm gonna say is that it's better than talking about hair and nails... Right?
8) Thalia Derse
(High Hopes: Season 1)
Turner about Thalia's Nomination: "Thalia Derse... Oh God, Thalia Derse..... Officially nicknamed 'The Amazing Otaku', this quirky hyper girl managed to tire her peers out with her different interests and the Japanese idioms thrown throughout her speech. Despite her role as a bit of an outcast due to her eccentric behavior, Thalia made it to the finale and gave us a lot of memorable moments."
Thalia: Hey! This actually looks like a real life forest! Hey! My horse just ran away.
Thalia: Nice, green man, nice. Don't hurt me, please. I'm just a youngster. Help me!
Thalia: Woo! Help! I'm so glad I found this quaint little town.
Peasant: Good Morning Thalia!
Thalia: Eee! Good Morning.
Thalia: These days go by so quickly- I can see the moon! Ooh! It has a face!
Lacey: What are you on about, Thalia? Are you having fun?
Thalia: Ugh! That spider bit me! Ouch, Lacey, that spider bit me.
Lacey: Spider, where?
Thalia: Oh, it's gone. Thank god. Here I come!
Lacey: Do you want to join me in a game of pool? It'd be a shame, especially since you know my secret.
Thalia: Not right now, I'm busy figuring out this riddle.
Thalia: What goes up, but never comes down? Hmm.
Lacey: Age.
Thalia: Moon? No, that's silly.
Lacey: The answer is age.
Thalia: OMG! Why didn't I notice it before, it's age!
Lacey: Thanks Lace? Or nah?
Thalia: The hills are alive! Oh, thanks Lacey by the way.
Lacey: Yeah, see, it wasn't your idea to begin with.
Thalia: I'm nearly there, one more clue!
*Sebastian arrives on the scene*
Sebastian: Can I join this lovely festivity?
Lacey: I don't see why not.
Lacey: Grab a cue, I was just about to start.
Sebastian: I have not played in quite a while, Missy.
Lacey: I'm just glad I won't be playing alone.
Sebastian: Is she alright? Thalia?
Lacey: She's playing some imagination land place.
Thalia: Take that, trolls! How do you like poison in your eyes?
Lacey: As I said, imaginative. Come on, Seb, pick your cue.
Sebastian: I'd prefer if you called me by my full name.
Lacey: Go on then, Sebastian Old Folks Rogers.
Sebastian: Not my middle name. It is Winston.
Thalia: Ooh! What's that shiny object in those bushes? Could it be-
Sebastian: Thalia? There are no bushes indoors.
Lacey: What did I say, she's making it all up with those glasses.
Sebastian: Right.
Lacey: *whispers* You've got this, yeah you haven't played before, just act it. Acting is what you should be good at, you grew up around her, of all people.
Lacey: Bingo! Got it. Look at that skill.
Thalia: BAM! Gotcha, catch em' all, I say.
Sebastian: Nice shot, Lacey. I couldn't have broken it better myself.
Lacey: Sure you could, you've lived a longer life!
Thalia: Look who has some extra life! This girl, the newly crowned Goblin Poker!
Lacey: Goblin Poker? Is that a card game for the trolls?
Thalia: No! I like poking goblins, so they named me honorary goblin poker master.
Lacey: it.
Sebastian: So, Lacey, tell me more about your sister?
Lacey: *whispers* Shit.
Sebastian: You said she was your best friend, I'd love to meet her on finale night.
Lacey: Provided I make it that far.
Sebastian: Never mind the looming finale, what makes her so special?
Lacey: She's sweet, innocent, nothing like me at all. She's a book nerd, she used to work at the library here actually.
Sebastian: Might we suggest a free day off to see her?
Lacey: No! I mean, we can't. We're in a competition, silly.
Sebastian: Is it because she won't be there? She'll be-
Lacey: Where the hell is this coming from?
Thalia: I won't stand for this any longer! Ouch! Get off me!
Thalia: Much better. Wait a sec, my hair is saturated!
Thalia: I'll just put this in my gigantic never ending pocket and go and fix it.
7) Mario Mustard
Vul about Mario's Nomination: "Mario Mustard... The name says it already; this chap's life is dominated by the pleasure of consuming the wonderful warm taste of sour mustard, even outrivalling a Grilled Cheese Sim's desire for grilled cheese sandwiches. This man eats it, bathes in it, lives in it... He simply IS Mustard. And then, there's the Mustard Factory..."
Plumtree: "Yes, Erdried and I are good friends. I was afraid of spending the weeks alone so I brought her. I don't fit in with these people. I can't imagine you do either, Mustard. You must be judged pretty harshly."
Mustard: "Hmm, well I am. Or it depends, I suppose. Sometimes I'm not judged harshly enough."
Plumtree: "What do you mean?"
Mustard: "My mustard factory."
Plumtree: "What about it?"
Mustard: "They fall in. They scream. Ah! Ah! They feel pain. They die. Blood in the mustard. Blood and guts and organs in the mustard. Keep on bottling. No one notices. But someone does."
Brown: "What are you saying?"
Mustard: "Bottle upon bottle upon bottle of mustard. Yum. Good mustard. I fill it up. No one misses them. No one noticed. But someone did. No more money. More mustard."
Plumtree: "I think he's saying..."
Mustard: "Brains! Organs! People die! Mustard! Mustard! Mustard! But no one blames me. No one blames the mustard or the Mustard. So I come here. So I come here and I tell you. Goodbye now. I must die. I want death because you are right and I will never fit in!"
Plumtree: "Just. Go."
Brown: "I'm sorry. You said too much."
Mustard: "Mustard goes. Mustard finds passage. Mustard goes insane. Ha! Brains! I should have thought!"
Mustard: "But there's the problem! With the brains in the Mustard, no one cares. No one listens."
Mustard: "Murderer! Come out, come out! I want you to murder me now! I'm waiting!"
Mustard: "The door to the kitchen is locked now. No more last meal. No more mustard."
(Jetset: Season 2)
Jake about HEALTH-E's Nomination: "HEALTH-E is a bit literal-minded in which while it could get him into trouble at times, a lot of times some hilarious stuff comes from that making him a bit quirky."
HEALTH-E: "Okay then."
HEALTH-E: "So, today, I remember that I need to tell Kain about the painting. I believe it could be a clue so due to me and Kain being allies together, I think I should tell him about it."
HEALTH-E: "Kain? Can I speak you now?"
Kain: "Oh, err, can it wait?"
HEALTH-E: "Hmm, it might be private."
Kain: "Oh, then just give me a minute!"
HEALTH-E: "That is okay."
*HEALTH-E sets his timer to 60 seconds exactly*
*the timer rings*
HEALTH-E: "It is time. I may come in now."
Kain: "Hmm, maybe I should try that white jack-"
HEALTH-E: "Good morning."
Kain: "WhoAH! HEALTH-E! What the HECK is THIS?!"
HEALTH-E: "I waited a minute, just as you told me to do."
Kain: "... Err, HEALTH-E..."
Olive: "Wat is..... o mijn GOD!!!"
Kain: "Yikes... sorry, HEALTH-E came in early... Shut that friggin' door! Quick!"
HEALTH-E: "Okay. I am sorry."
Olive: "......................."
HEALTH-E: "Note to self: When people are saying "Give Me A Minute", they really mean "Give Me A Moment." That way, I do not have to worry about being embarrassed again."
5) Irma Roboot
(High Hopes: Season 2)
Twiddle about Irma's Nomination: "A human robot with multiple personalities, Irma is nice one minute, Nasty the next. Her long running glitches and unpredictable behaviour make her one crazy character and an intersting contestant."
Irma: The excitement of winning an advantage is most overwhelming, I must report this immediately back to my superiors.
*A loud beeping noise is heard followed by the sound of a phone ringing*
Inspectron Command: Hello, You have reached Inspectron Command Customer Services. Please state your business.
Irma: I am Irma Roboot, Designated Inspectron 2000. I must submit my progress to Command.
Inspectron Command: Hold on, I'll just patch you through. Proceed with your transmission Irma.
Irma: I have successfully completed my quiz, I am one step closer to my target.
Dr. Radium: Excellent Irma, You have made us all proud. The Board of Reality Show Directors is most pleased with your progress. This is the next step in infiltrating all of the Reality Shows on Earth. Soon, it will be the board of directors who will decide the winner. Not the public. Not the contestants. Us!
First Hunt Or Be Hunted, Next.... the world! *laughs manically*
Irma: But Doctor, I don't want to take over the world. I want to help people, I want to play the game, I want to discover how a reality show works. I must find out what happened to the others.....*BBBBBBUUUUUZZZZZ!* One is still trapped.
Dr. Radium: Do not be silly, Irma. This is what you were programmed for! Stupid robot must be faulty again. I think it's time you had a new update. Prepare to download.
*The download is completed and Irma reboots slowly*
Dr. Radium:I just hope the boffins in the lab have worked out all the glitches and bugs in the new update. We all know what happened to the last one.
*Irma switches back on but something is drastically different, Irma's voice has changed and so has her personality, She appears to be speaking Spanish*
Irma: Hola. Mi nombre es Irmero Robooto. It is bonito to meet you!
Dr. Radium: Oh god. What have I done? I hope the Board of Directors doesn't find out about this. *end transmission*
Irma: I cannot wait to communicate with my amigos in the la casa. Let the programa de juegos commence.
Clyde: It feels very lonely with only the three of us here.
Marsha: Moi deesnt mind. Mo' moniees for moi!
Clyde: That isn't how this competition works, Marsha.
Marsha: End? Moi deesn't karre. Here to ween!
Clyde: I do have faith in you, I suppose.
You should win.
Marsha: Oi tank ewe! Moi dieserfs it.
Dent I?
Clyde: That is yours to answer, I am afraid.
Do you think you 'dieserfs' it? Marsha?
Marsha: *makes splashing sound*
Clyde: Wait a minute....Marsha!
Marsha: *has dived in, bare naked*
Clyde: Marsha! What are you doing over there?
Marsha: *spitting water* Ugh, moi is nekked. Au neutral, boi!
Clyde: I can...barely see that.
Clyde: I didn't think...I didn't know you were that...type.
Marsha: Moi eesn't a toipe. She ees spree giftend; a lengendary mastier!
Clyde: I do not even know what you just said. Marsha?
Marsha: Moi ees no tipe.
Clyde: *whispering* Thank god for censoring.
Nobody wants to see her naked-
Marsha: Oi! 'Lyde, wheat ewe say to moi?
Clyde: Sweet nothings. Just a prayer.
Marsha: Moi never prayers. Non.
Clyde: Your parents didn't teach you to pray from an early age?
Marsha: Moi's peerants deed not.
Clyde: That's unfortunate for you, then.
Marsha: Moi dees not thank soh. Never kneed to prayer.
Clyde: Pray. Pray can help you, Marsha. This topic came from the bizarre, but I am glad to know more about you Marsha. Thank you.
Marsha: Doo nit tank moi. Tank 'oorself.
Clyde: By praying?
Irma: Hola hombres. Este es un tiempo maravilloso.
Marsha: Ees that ewe, Ermah?
Irma: SÃ lo es.
Clyde: Come and sit down, Irma.
Irma: Yo no sé mucho.
Clyde: I can't understand Spanish much anymore, but as a teacher, I learn to understand and adapt more frequently. cannot...what?
Irma: Clyde, se ha producido un error. Una actualización.
Clyde: Error? Actualization?
Marsha: Ewe mist leesin to 'er. She ees speking Spaneesh.
Clyde: I know that, Marsha. Please...get dressed.
Irma: Mi jefe es cruel. Él necesita parar.
Clyde: Cruel? Who is cruel?
Irma: No me gustan las mujeres desnudas.
Marsha: Fein, moi will poot cloths een.
Clyde: Thank you very much, Marsha! You scared Irma.
Marsha: Betteir? Moi feelt soh freh outside teh confinns of clotheen!
Clyde: Nobody else felt free, my dear. We are all happier to see you clothed.
Marsha: O-keh ten!
Clyde: Well, now that you are dressed, how about we head inside soon for dinner?
Irma: *singing* Le sangrar para mÃ? Lamer mis labios como me necesitabas?
¿Me fijado en un sofá? Con los dedos en la boca?
Clyde: What are you singing, Irma?
Irma: *singing* Te ves tan fresco cuando me está leyendo.
Vamos a causar un pequeño problema.
Marsha: Moi ees hungreh! Leets 'ave dinier.
Clyde: Sure, let's head inside then. What food is left?
Marsha: Moi do net no.
Irma: *singing* Y tengo mi mente, hice esta vez.
Clyde: Let's eat. I am starving and we need to be prepared for the challenge tomorrow. Irma?
Irma: Si?
Marsha: Luttuce eet.
Clyde: All ready for bed time.
Challenge tomorrow. Maybe I can convince Marsha to pray with me?
Greta: I wouldn't count on it.
Clyde: Maybe she'll surprise you, hostess.
Irma: Siento que ese juguete astronauta de la historia del juguete de tres.
Clyde: Is that you out there, Irma? What are you saying?
Irma: ¿No puedes entenderme?
Clyde: I don't know what you are saying.
I miss the English-speaking Irma.
Greta: Don't we all.
Irma: ¿No tenemos todos.
Clyde: Well, I'm heading to bed unless Marsha comes in.
I would wait up for her, but she can be a bit...well, slow.
Only sometimes.
Irma: Buenas noches, Clyde.
Clyde: I want to assume you are wishing me to sleep well.
Irma: Se podrÃa ser algo correcto, señor.
Greta: When will you speak English again?
Irma: Cuando duermo, van a pinchar en mi cerebro artificial.
Greta: I'll pretend I understand that spiel.
Irma: Yo sé que aprendió extensa español, joven Greta.
Greta: So I am ashamed of that fact. Shush.
*Marsha Marshall enters*
Marsha: Hole-a, moi's late-ino freend.
Irma: Es que usted, amante de la moda raro?
Marsha: Moi ees feeleen deep.
Irma: ¿Qué está mal?
Marsha: Moi is itchiah! Stoopid buggies out in doors.
Greta: Yeah, you were the one to forget to spray yourself.
Marsha: Shushie.
Irma: *singing* Puedo ver lo que está pasando.
Y ellos no tienen ni idea.
Marsha: Kanne ewe not seeng pweese?
Irma: Tantas cosas que le dicen.
Pero la forma de hacerla entrar en.
Marsha: Goodnit, Earma. Sweep night.
Greta: Goodnight, Marsha. See you in the morning for the challenge.
Marsha: Doo nit reemine moi.
Irma: Nos vemos en la mañana, mundo malvado.
Voy a dejar de dichos planes.
Greta: What planes? There aren't any planes here.
Irma: No planos. Planes. El jefe hombre está planeando cosas.
4) Artie Stique
(The Mole: Season 5)
Twiddle about Artie's Nomination: "From her quirky accent to her quirky fashion sense, Artie is the sort of character you dont see very often and was one of the zaniest contetants on The Mole 5."
Artie: "Oui!"
Whitney: "OMG, like, yaaaaaas!!"
Artie: "Ooh, Je... or... I, know 'ow to solve zis!"
Whitney: "Yeah?"
Artie: "Oui, rapidement! Whitney; what iz six devidé zéro?"
Whitney: "....Huh? How is a math problem going to solve anything?"
Artie: "Euh... It juste will, trust moi!"
Whitney: "Oh.... right- like, totally, it probs will, now that you menchen it! Uhm.... 'Right, so..... Carry the 2..."
*Whitney looks deep in thought*
Whitney: "6 zeros is 000,000, but I like totally don't think that's like a number..... Maybe if I multiply that, by uhm, 6...."
*Artie looks over at Brent*
*Brent shrugs*
Whitney: "Wait, but that answer like totally doesn't make sense either! Errgh!"
Whitney: "OOH! I KNOW! 6 x 0 + 1/2, then -12, plus or minus 555, carry the 74, and I think-"
Whitney: "-you get something like 38? Wait, no, that's like NOT right AT ALL! Maybe it's more like... Hmm..."
Artie: *slightly pokes Whitney*
Whitney: "Er.... let me think, let me think! 6 + 0 - 3...."
Whitney: "...divided by 17.... WAIT!"
Whitney: "It like can't be that, because 17 is totally an even number!"
Whitney: "...THEREFORE, the answer, TOTALLY must be..."
Whitney: "....something along the lines of like 223222 or 454544! Or, like, --"
*muffled numbers can be heard*
BRENT: "Is she STILL goin'??"
Whitney (talking underwater): "The answer is 5! Final answer!!"
Artie: "Le brain over la beauté! Oui oui oui!"
*Artie smirks a little*
3) Darleen Simpson
(The Mole: Season 4)
*Turner has yet to sum up his reasons for Nominating Darleen*
Taz: "Haha, nice kitchen! I can fire it up in here!"
Darleen: "You're already firin' it up baby!'
Taz: "Excuse me??"
Darleen: "You heard me. You're firing it up in here already!"
Darleen: "What with that smoky shirt of yours, your big strong arms...."
Darleen: "Those rock-hard abs! You're the whole package! Question is.... Do you like all this? Do you like my whole package?"
Taz: "Ermm... no, sorry Darleen, but I bat for the other team."
Darleen: "You bat.... like in baseball? How sexy! Do you play for a team?"
Taz: "Not exactly what I meant...."
Darleen: "Let's just get past the formalities and get straight to the point.... You want some Darleen, darlin'?" ;)
Taz: "Hehe, see, that's the thing.... I'm not exactly 'straight'...."
Darleen: "Huh? Then what are you?"
Taz: "Not.... straight?"
Darleen: "Ohhhh... okay. I see. You're not a straight shooter, no problem. Sometimes I can be.... I just want to be honest and get right to the juicy part, ya know? But I can totally respect you wanting to take it slow." :)
Taz: "Oh god."
Layton: "Hahah, what a bunch of weirdos!"
2) Mr Doubley
(No Privacy: Season 8; Zero Privacy: Season 1)
Turner about Mr Doubley's Nomination: "A man of few words, but a man of many facial expressions is a quirky man indeed. His seemingly obsession with his "Teddy" doesn't help to make him any less abnormal, either."
Doubley: *hum-ha-hum-hum-hum*
Doubly: *knocks on the door*
*knocks on the door again*
*knocks again on the door... Just to be safe*
*opens the door to find Gilbert*
Gilbert: HEY! Get outa here... Unless you're Leann ;) Heh.
*Doubley squeels* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
Gilbert: Yeah that was Leann's reaction too... Though, I'm guessing you're not Leann then. Since she's gone...
Doubley: Ahhh!! *runs out*
Doubley: *knocks*
Debby: I'm in here.
*knocks again*
Debby: I'm in here.
*Doubley knocks again*
Debby: *sighs* This is the only time I'm allowed to be indoors... Can't you leave me in peace?
Doubley: *goes to open the door but then decides not to* Hmmm...
Doubley: *knocks quickly* Hello?
Doubley: *sighs in relief*
Doubley: Uh oh!
Doubley: Ahh! Noooooo!
*A fire begins to start, even though its very improbable*
Doubley: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Tedddddyyyyyyyy! Aghhhhh!
*knocks on the door can be heard*
???: Is everything alright in there?
???: Are you okay?
Doubley: Help! Teddyyyy!!! *flails arms*
London: I don't want to even KNOW how you managed to do this! This is very unlikely, absurd and makes zero sense.
London: You're lucky that I have WH&S training and good knowledge of safety procedure. I know how to deal with this. Watch.
Angel: What the heck is going on in here?!
Gilbert: What's going on this time?! First the laundry, now this?!
London: This place is a mess... God! I need some air! We could have all been killed! Julia! I hope you are happy.
Julia: Hey! I was sending help in the form of encouragement and concern... and the fire department. Do you really think that I'd let you all die in a fire?
London: Yes, actually.
Angel: My bathroom! It's partially destroyed.
Gilbert: Doubley! How did you even?!
Doubley: S-sowwy!
Before we reveal our top pick, we first got an honourable mention
Plum Love
(Abnormality: Season 1)
Vul about Plum's Nomination: "Plum... It can't be denied that our dear Plum was the one who brought spice to the Abnormality House back in the day. Her rude attitude and her prank war with Locket undoubtedly stirred major drama on TV, especially if she forgot to take her meds again."
And hereby our first pick for the most quirky Sim goes to...
1) Marsha Marshall
(High Hopes: Season 2)
Penguin about Marsha's Nomination: "Honestly Marsha is one of, if not my favorite character someone has made so far..."
Marsha: Oh em gee! Ewe could make it toonight! Ew, you aren't wearing teh white leginnning....
Ted: I do not own such a thing, Marsha.
Marsha: I em ashemed, but ye produshion says I must all-ow ewe to come in.
Jamie: *muffles* You all look...nice...tonight.
Irma: Personally, I cannot determine if this room is outside or in. The grass confuses.
Bradley: I'm happy to see TJ's eyes for once.
TJ: No sunglasses policy in here, they said. I hate my eyes.
Marsha: Alrightttt, alrighttt, alrighttt. Sittle down. *glances to side* Hit it!
Zara: Should someone tell that freak no one is there?
Ted: Zara, manners! She invited us to this...wonderful place.
*the music begins to play*
Devra: Witchery? In this...calm place?
TJ: I wouldn't call this calm.
Marsha: Aye, thiiiisss is Marsha Marshall, end, 'elcome to the White Legging Party! Enjoy yourselves.
Jocelyn: Oh, yeah, sure.
Clyde: I sure hope this scene isn't present in various areas in my town. It's a shame to pollute-
Jocelyn: Hey, enough of this. Just have fun.
Marsha: I 'ill bee danc-scene for you!
Ted: How wonderful! Live entertainment. I do hope she will be an amazing dancer.
Marsha: Many cricteeques have told me yeesh.
Marsha: I call these move the 'Paddel Sweemer'. Leek it?
Irma: It is swell, Marsha Marshalls. You do look sleek.
Zara: Yeah, sure. What she said.
Bradley: What now? Do we seriously need to join her out there?
TJ: Ain't no way I'm dancing with her.
Devra: I'll sit that out, thank you. Those sofas do look inviting.
Irma: She looks so happy...must not compute happiness. Must forget the events prior. Must forget the pain. Must eventually resolve missing events.
Jamie: Irma...are you okay?
Irma: I am....50% well, 30% unwell and 10% neutral.
Jamie: What about the other percent?
Irma: Irma Roboot does not speak of that.
Marsha: Join moi! Join moi!
Jocelyn: I suppose it couldn't hurt, right?
Irma: Dancing can only hurt those who are weak.
Ted: My wife would be ashamed of my dancing. She always was so...sad about it.
Jocelyn: I'm sure she loves your dancing, Ted!
Ted: You haven't met a Downer.
Marsha: Iseen't this funne? Keep dancin'.
Clyde: Is it? I don't know yet.
Jocelyn: I feel sick.
Marsha: That ees not the reactshion!
Clyde: You know, this is fun?
Greta as 'Creepy Bear': Is it, Clyde. What a lovely behind you have, all the better to eat up.
Clyde: I don't feel so well.
Bradley: What an adorable flower crown, my princess!
TJ: Real smooth with the flirting.
Bradley: I didn't compliment her breasts, though those are nice too.
Devra: Bradley, please stop this. I am not on the look out for a man, so please stop.
Bradley: Are you sure, beautiful?
Devra: Yes! Please stop flirting with me, Bradley.
Zara: They cannot be serious. They do realise that large bear is behind them, and they are not curious to know if it is real or if it was expensive.
Marsha: Woohoo!
Zara: I think I prefer to observe.
Jamie: What a...beautiful plant. I don' parties.
Jocelyn: Jamie! Come dance with me!
Jamie: I don't like parties.
Marsha as 'the Flamingo': Oh, 'ello!
Greta: Not sure if I should be startled or absolutely terrified.
Marsha: 'e is shy.
Greta: Terrified, definitely.
Marsha: Let's conteenui danceen! Okay, okay.
Jocelyn: Just smile and wave, smile and wave.
Ted: Was the lighting always I do recall someone changing it.
Marsha: Don't bee silleh, Teddy!
Ted: Teddy? No one's ever called me that.
Marsha: Don't bee silleh! Don't lie to moi!
Ted: I don't seem to have many people call me Teddy, but it would make me smile so much.
Marsha: Teddy! There eet esh.
There we have our Top 10 most quirky Sims in Sims Reality Shows.
Stay tuned for more Top 10 countdowns coming up!
Here's your host, M13Vulpecula, signing off with high hopes to bring you another Top 10 countdown soon!
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Stay tuned for more Top 10 countdowns coming up!
Here's your host, M13Vulpecula, signing off with high hopes to bring you another Top 10 countdown soon!
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