You know that contestant that you really liked and thought was going to go far, only to be blindsided and see them eliminated very early on? Well, this countdown showcases the best of the early boots so that we can all get bummed out by them again.
And the most bummer-y of them all, decided by the reality show community, goes to.....
1) Darleen Simpson!
Darleen took a stray arrow to the chest. Literally. And it was enough to send her out of the game permanently. Her early exit is one of the many explanations for why Season 4 of The Mole was the darkest season of the show. Darleen acted as the "class clown" of her season, often providing comic relief with her absurd obsession with the notorious series "Twilight", and her mega-crush on the vampire character named Edward Cullen. What made her fangirling most cringe-worthy was the fact she was a middle-aged mother of two kids, and only recently divorced, with the sole purpose to find her "Edward". Her dramatic and sudden exit just made this early boot all the more bummer-y.
Darleen took a stray arrow to the chest. Literally. And it was enough to send her out of the game permanently. Her early exit is one of the many explanations for why Season 4 of The Mole was the darkest season of the show. Darleen acted as the "class clown" of her season, often providing comic relief with her absurd obsession with the notorious series "Twilight", and her mega-crush on the vampire character named Edward Cullen. What made her fangirling most cringe-worthy was the fact she was a middle-aged mother of two kids, and only recently divorced, with the sole purpose to find her "Edward". Her dramatic and sudden exit just made this early boot all the more bummer-y.

2) Shirley Winchester
With her best friend Barbie Knowles as the first victim on The
Locomotive, Shirley was the first person to have a personal ground to
catch the killer. As a sheep in b!tch's clothing who is often judged on
her first impression and her appearance, she had potential for a lot of
character development and to even be the big hero in the end, being the
first person to think of leaving the train to find help. But alas, when
fellow companion Cassi Country accidentally turned into her zombie form,
Shirley was the one bitten, resulting in her unfortunate demise... 

of Abnormality Season 2.... AKA, The Troublemaker. What else needs to
be said? She was notorious for her ruthlessness to get what she wanted,
and often playing pranks on other contestants to manipulate them to her
liking. Her elimination was a major upset to antagonist fans worldwide.

4) Gladys Hart
A well-liked character, with a ton of wasted potential due to her early demise in Abnormality Season 4.She was expected to be one of the big heroes of the season, however, the Abnormality Gods had something else in mind, cutting her life short in a game where she could have had a huge impact on the intense battle between the two alliances in the house. Her bold blue hair was also a notable feature of hers, which often made her stand out above the crowd.

5) Joss Hodge
first along with her duo partner, Caren, Joss was never able to
shine.... At least, shine her true self. While on the outside, she
appeared be a bubbly, charming, caring, and generally nice person, in
the inside, she was secretly manipulative, cruel, and highly judgmental.
With plans of using her charm to manipulate both men and women
emotionally as well as sexually, she was certainly a dangerous player-
both to other players, and the Mole. Unfortunately, the duo twist of the
season did her in, and she walked out of the game before she could even
establish herself in it.

6) Ali and Ava Thompson
Ali and Ava Thompson were identical twin sisters, both of which competed
as one contestant on Taiha's Mini Mole Seasons 2. Their hilarious
antics of mostly stupidity and their funny comments, actions or ideas,
paved their way to easily stand out among the other contestants earning a
spot as easy fan favourites. Their road seemed like a steady one, as
they were guaranteed to be the Moles of the season, however, due to
accidental problem in the show's immunity system, Ali and Ava were fired
from being the Moles and instead a new mole had to be picked to take
their place. The game was ruined and their fun was ended.

7) Roxanne Quinlan
After several other Jetsetters made comments on how likely Roxanne was going to be a player who would put her big mark on the endgame, it became a huge surprise when she was the second person to be booted. Her strategic insight on the game, combined with a strong personality who is not gonna let anybody mess with her, really made her one of the most memorable players, despite her early exit.

8) Ryan Heillom
Being the Mole's first victim of the third season of The Mole, Ryan's personality was never fully expressed on the show. His gentle nature, love for dogs, and passion for music were evident, but his full character was never realized, and neither was his affection for potential love interest, KT!, who, in a shocking revelation, was revealed to be his childhood crush, and it was obvious the feelings lingered.... on both sides. However, Ryan's early boot made it impossible for this love story to ever manifest itself, and we were never able to see what could have been.
Additionally, Sara made a rival out of him, which could have been a hilarious subplot.

Additionally, Sara made a rival out of him, which could have been a hilarious subplot.

9) Devon Chapman
Devon had a ton of promise, both story and character-development wise, and had the capability to win it all. Unfortunately, a sudden desire to quit the game forced her fans to mourn her elimination sooner than they wanted.
Devon had a ton of promise, both story and character-development wise, and had the capability to win it all. Unfortunately, a sudden desire to quit the game forced her fans to mourn her elimination sooner than they wanted.
10) Captain Stubing
The Captain of the Luxury's Lap was a confident, reliable, trustable man
who dared to take the lead in the hunt for the Assassin on the cruise.
He had lots of potential to make it far in the storyline and eventually
even expose the Assassin, but in the end, the Assassin was quicker than
the Captain and he was the second person to kick the bucket. With that,
his romantic feelings for Katja Tuinman, the Head Steward, were
tragedically never answered either...